Saturday, January 3, 2009

What makes an interesting blog?

Since I prematurely promised to post one blog entry a day for the month of January, I'm a little preoccupied with the issue of content and potential readership. What makes an interesting blog, when the blog's writer is an aspiring novelist with just several published pieces? I'm not qualified to give any writing advice (obviously). I'm not sure I have any helpful tips. I'm not witty enough to sustain my readers by my words alone. Am I blogging in order to have readers, or am I just blogging? Shouldn't I be finishing the next chapter of my new novel? Especially since my old stalker has resurfaced and is reading these very words now and planning another assault? (just kidding about the assault).

This is what I learned from my kids last night: bears eat honey because they are after bees and larva. The honey itself is secondary.


  1. I have to object to that construct... for the bear, the mixture of bees/larvae/honey is as indivisible as the body/mind/soul--in other words, not.

  2. Thank you, Clare and Green Betty for your very different, but very insightful comments! :-)

  3. Clare, not sure I can comment on your blog, but it was one really cool ghost photo!

  4. Hi Rachel! I think by the end of the month I'll certainly end up blogging about poop.
