Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Good news!

The update you've all been waiting for! Yesterday I risked my life and finally got a small halogen lamp. For the fish. (How did I risk my life? The sidewalks turned to ice without warning, that's how. I also discovered I definitely could learn to fly if I practiced enough. Too bad I chose kids and writing as my primary foci. Foci! I said foci! The last time I said foci was in my experimental psych class.) Back to the fish. Oh how he adored its light and warmth! We have an alive fish now! His little fins flutter constantly, he swallows his frozen critters with joyful eagerness, he examines himself in the mirror and likes what he sees--a weaker, duller opponent.

I feel bad, horrible, for not getting the lamp sooner, but the owners have repeatedly assured me that he didn't need it. I quoted articles, they quoted articles. I said they did keep him under a light, they said it was a coincidence, not a necessity.

Little things make me happy.