Sunday, December 6, 2009

Margaret Atwood's gift ideas for beginning writers

This is a great list (from Ms. Atwood's blog). I've wanted a moleskine journal for years, so I just told my husband that the item is number one on my favorite writer's list. Obviously it is a must.

Boxes (#2 on the list), I already have. More than I can handle (we haven't upacked. STILL). I'm going to pry the empty ones away from my kids. How many submarines does one need? Certainly not 5!

Number 3 is compilation of awful things that will happen to you in public (I'm slightly paraphrasing that one. Because I'm an optimist, you see.) And yes, there's a morbid attraction between me and the Number 3.

Number 8, the Art Instinct--I almost placed an order for this one, only to realise that my credit card has expired, and I must have thrown away the replacement. I can be absent-minded at times. I should be receiving the new on in 5 to 7 business days.

Number 10: I've owned and loved for years. YES!

I love when writers I love blog!


  1. I know it's sacrilege but I'm just not an Atwood fan...Oryk and Crake? What the heck was that?

    Art instinct..great one...get it when the cc clears up again.

    Number it long time ago...wouldn't buy it but I'd read it again if someone gave it to me.

    Atwood is blogging uh? How did I not know that.


  2. Well, I'm not giving up my #10 copy any time soon ;-). I bought it just before we left Toronto and moved to Iqaluit, I still remember the day. It was one of those rare days out, with just a snoozing baby in the sling, and the toddler at home. I sat in a side walk cafe, and read...Pure joy...

    Have you read Lady Oracle? Edible Woman? Life Before Man? Alias Grace? I think Oryx and Crake was a little bit different, though I really enoyed it too.

    I love how her sentences are just so...right...and crips...and perfect. Every time. Not a word off key.
