Sunday, May 24, 2009

Stop motion animation with Windows Movie Maker

I spent the day working on (okay, playing with) stop motion animation with Windows Movie Maker. Just set each frame at the very minimum of seconds allowed (Under “Options”) and you’re good to go. I was inspired by PES on Youtube (also check 'Prank Call', 'Western Spaghetti' and the X-rated 'Roof Sex', with some chair action,) so I spent a good hour looking at apples, oranges, kiwi and dry fruits, but I was very aware of my technical limitations. At one point my 6 year old grabbed the raisin at which I was staring and swallowed it. Here you go, an actor, gone. I reached for another raisin, but it just didn’t have the right personality. Eventually I settled on dry kidney beans. It took me 5 minutes to make the movie (the technical part), from start to finish. Hooray for conceptual simplicity. However, the ending just wasn’t right, and I’m re-shooting tomorrow. Tentative title? “Awakening and Death of a Red Kidney Bean.” The death wasn’t a part of today’s production. I envision moderate technical difficulties tomorrow. Stay tuned.

My 6 year old made the cutest “Baby Snail” stop motion, but she won’t agree to make it public, at least not yet.

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