Thursday, March 4, 2010

Chosen Soldier

Our care package went to Afghanistan this week!!! We included most items from the lists provided, as well as origami cranes made by my daughter. Thank you to those friends who made a financial contribution which allowed us to send this HUGE package (my camera battery was dying, so I didn't take more pictures and you can't really see the size of the box).

If you would like to send a care package to a Canadian soldier, this volunteer programme will coordinate things for you. Packages may be shipped free of charge from some Military Depots or Recruitment Centres in your area.

You can also write to Canadian soldiers.

Sending post cards:

If you do not know the name, rank and section of the person you are sending to, please use the following address:

Any Canadian Soldier
PO Box 5058 Stn Forces
Belleville ON K8N 5W6


  1. Hi Ania! My daughter just did this for an American soldier through an organization called Soldiers' Angels as part of her Girl Scout troop. It's a wonderful way to support the men and women of the military. And she also sent origami cranes!

  2. Hi Sharon! I love when our kids take charge and do things like that.
