Thursday, May 3, 2007

i've been interviewed!

read it on Kelly Spitzer's site!

i talk about growing up in the USSR, life on Baffin island, my short story collection, my plans for my novel, and there is a photo of me too.


  1. congratulations! really good interview & looking forward to the novel ~ i'm having a hard time believing this myself, but my very favorite band, the white stripes, will be playing up there in june (???) ~ it's sort of a blues/garage-rock band - maybe you would enjoy? be sure to say hi after if you do go, and tell them lisa from escondido sent you! ;-)-

    (i feel i'm currently on a roll w/ my writing as well, after a frustratingly dry spell) take care, ania ~ lisa

  2. Ania, I enjoyed that interview so much, and your photo too! Wonderful!
    You look like the very youngest girl!
    Congrats. Kelly is doing these really well. What a treat!

  3. thank you! lisa--i looked up white stripes, yes, they will be here in the end of this month. i love blues, but the articles only mention rock, but sounds interesting. i think i might go.

    bev! thank you! kelly is wonderful! i tried to post on your blog, but either it didn't work, or you got 5 different versions of the same thing, but i love your lawn chairs and the deck and everything!
